Friday, 28 October 2011

Urban Flaneur- Walking the City

Our homework task for this week was to allow our self to become an urban flaneur and document our experiences and findings with images. We were told to trace a journey we often take at our home town, onto a map of Brighton and go out and take the journey. Although this should have been effective to help us find things as we would have been walking around roads unfamiliar to us, the only few routes I ever took in my home town, when projected onto a map of Brighton only seemed to take me along popular roads like West street or along housing roads that failed to inspire me on my wanders. I was unsatisfied with my findings, so I headed out on my own accord into the lanes and told myself to just aimlessly wander around and search for exciting, quirky, strange objects, colours, textures that caught my eye.

To document my findings I went out and bought a disposable camera, rather than using my own digital slr camera. I felt a disposable camera would be better suited for this exercise and it would encourage me to not look through the view finder and frame my images, and instead just snap photos based on reaction rather than precision.
Below, our a view images I took on my phone which focuses on textures, and then a selection of images of the processed photos from the disposable camera.

Urban Flaneur Take 2- Walking the Lanes:

The rest of my images are photos I got processed from a disposable camera and will appear in my scrap book, however, when playing about and viewing the photos I came across some cool ways to document them onto here by taking a photo of a series of photos. I feel the photos came out surprisingly well, as the range in colours, textures and styles within the batch of photos all seem to be competing to stand out and attract the viewers eye the most.

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